Healthy Lifestyles

Health Education is an important part of our curriculum. Children are taught about how to be healthy through focused science, PSHCE and PE lessons but also through the choices that they are encouraged to make throughout their daily lives.

Active Travel 

School Travel Statement 

At St Barnabas CE Primary School we encourage pupils to travel to school by cycling, scooting and walking wherever possible.To help with this we are working with UK charity Sustrans to make sustainable and active travel easier for everyone. Cycling, scooting and walking have many benefits. Amongst other things it’s good for our health, the environment, saves money, and helps to keep the streets outside school quiet and pedestrian friendly. Our Active Travel Policy explains how we will be encouraging active travel to school. For pupils unable to come by foot, bike or scooter, we encourage use of public transport or car-share, parking outside our  5 minute walking zone. For the safety of our pupils there is no vehicular access to the school site between 8:20-8:50am and 2:45-3:15pm. We also ask car users to avoid driving down and parking in Jubilee Terrace as this is a small cul-de-sac which becomes easily congested, putting pupils at risk.

 If you have any ideas to improve things at or around school for walkers and cyclists or questions about travelling to school, please get in touch with the Headteacher, Miss Boardman or your Sustrans Schools officer, Erin Gray ( 

Bike-It School

We are a Bike-It School, which means that we actively promote healthy ways to travel. Since September 2014, Erin Gray, our Bike-It Officer from Sustrans has been supporting us in this area. Together, we have delivered a range of cross-curricular lessons in Learn Academy classes to promote cycling and active travel whilst also developing English, Maths, Science and PE skills. A number of children and families have taken part in the ‘Scooter Skills’ sessions, ‘Learn to Ride without Stabilisers’, and ‘Bike-It Breakfast’. We even had a bike mechanic on site one day so that children could bring their bikes for a basic safety check.

Pupils have identified a 5 minute walking zone around the school and wrote letters to encourage active travel to school.

Walking zone letter        5 minute walking zone

For more information about the Sustrans Bike-It project and the benefits of active travel to school, please see the documents below:

Sustrans -What We Do                  Benefits of Active Travel Leaflet                         Benefits of Active Travel Poster

We take part in CYC’s Pedestrian Training  (Year 3 pupils), Bikeability (Year 5/6 pupils), Balance Bike Training (Reception) schemes.

Details of local events to promote family cycling can be found below:

April 2018 Family Cycling Events

Healthy Eating

We teach children the importance of eating a healthy, balanced diet. Through science and other curriculum activities, children learn about different food groups and how food is produced. To support this area of the curriculum, children often take part in cooking activities in school and through visits to local restaurants. 

Through national schemes, children upto the age of 5 are provided with milk and children upto the end of Year 2 are provided with a daily piece of fruit free of charge. In addition we offer free milk and fruit for KS2 children who are entitled to free school meals. If other parents would like to pay for their child to have daily milk, please contact the office who will give you details. Key Stage 2 children are encouraged to bring a piece of fruit to eat at breaktime.

We encourage pupils to have a school meal as these provide a healthy, balanced and filling meal. If children bring packed lunches from home we ask that they are healthy and balanced with fresh fruit, vegetable sticks and with limited sugary items such as biscuits and sweet drinks. The following websites give ideas for healthy balanced packed lunches

Change for Life

Children’s Food Trust

BBC Good Food

Children are encouraged to drink water through the day. Water is available for all pupils at lunchtime and we ask that pupils bring in a full water bottle each day to be kept in the classroom and taken home each day. Juice and cordials should not be sent in water bottles and sweets should not be brought into school.






Contact Us

Jubilee Terrace,
Leeman Road,
YO26 4YZ
01904 936330

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