We define bullying as “deliberately hurtful behaviour that is repeated over a period of time.” Bullying can take many forms, but the three main types are physical/verbal and indirect.
We encourage parents to inform us immediately if they suspect their child is being bullied. The sooner we know, the sooner we can act to stop it! Please see our Anti-Bullying Policy policy for further details.
Bullying will not be tolerated in our school. Everyone within our school has the right to feel safe, valued and protected and to be treated with respect and dignity. It is everyone’s responsibility to prevent it happening and our policy contains guidelines for all members of the school community. Our Christian value of ‘Friendship’ is promoted and stories from the Bible are explored to support this.
Our school takes part in the National ‘Anti-bullying week’ each year.
Activities have included making anti-bullying message ribbons to tie onto the school gates, posters, presentations, dramas, collective worship and various other activities in lessons with a specific anti-bullying focus. Throughout the year, children are encouraged to report all incidents of bullying to an adult and are supported in developing strategies to combat it, including the use of discussion and role play. Children are also taught awareness of ‘Cyber bullying’ throughout the year and this form of bullying will be dealt with in the same robust manner as any other form of bullying.