
Statutory Policies

SEND Report Sept 2023

SEND Policy September 2023

Attendance Policy

Accessibility Plan

Admissions Arrangements: As a maintained school, we follow the CYC Admissions Policy and Procedure. Full details can be found here and in the Guide for Parents document. 

Behaviour Policy September 2023

Capability of Staff Policy

Charging and Remission Policy

Child-on-Child Abuse Policy

Children with Health Needs Who Cannot Attend School Policy

Complaints Procedure

Data Protection Policy

Equality Policy

Exclusion Policy

First Aid Policy

Health and Safety Policy

Safeguarding ad Child Protection Policy

Staff Code of Conduct 2023

Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions

Relationships Sex and Health Education Policy

Staff Disciplinary Policy CYC

Staff Grievance Procedure CYC

Other School Policies and Guidance

Anti Bullying Policy

School Attendance Leaflet

Code of Conduct Policy

Home School Agreement

ICT Online Safety Policy St Barnabas CE Primary

ICT Acceptable Use Policy KS1 St Barnabas

ICT Acceptable Use Policy KS2 St Barnabas

ICT Acceptable Use Policy PARENTS St Barnabas

ICT Google Meet Protocol

Intimate Care Policy

Physical Restraint Policy

Privacy Notice St Barnabas CE Primary School

Photos and Videos at School Policy

Religious Education Policy

Teaching and Learning Policy

Whistleblowing Policy CYC St Barnabas

Contact Us

Jubilee Terrace,
Leeman Road,
YO26 4YZ
01904 936330

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