Physical Education

We follow the Physical Education National Curriculum.

Children have 2 PE lessons per week and at least one of these is delivered by a specialist sports coach. Sometimes these coaches lead the lessons, sometimes the class teachers and the specialists work together to plan and deliver the lessons. 

Children in Year 3 and Year 4 attend weekly swimming lessons for one term each year. As our pupils live very close to the river , we consider swimming lessons and water safety a very high priority. 

We aim to engage children in a minimum of 30 minutes of physical activity each day. We do this in a range of different ways which include encouraging the children to be active at breaktimes and promoting active travel to school.

We have achieved the Gold School Games Mark in 2018  which recognises the quality of our school sport provision. Find out more about this award by clicking the link below.

Gold Award Information  

We run at least one sport after school clubs all year with a  dance club running for part of the year. In addition we run lunchtime sports clubs in the summer months. We also take part in competitions with local schools.

Schools receive a PE and Sports Premium Allocation which must be used to fund additional and sustainable improvements to the provision of PE and sport, for the benefit of primary-aged pupils, to encourage the development of healthy, active lifestyles. You can find out more about how we have spent our PE and Sports Premium Allocation and the impact of this in the reports below. 

2019-20 Primary PE and Sport Premium Plan and Reporting July 2020




Contact Us

Jubilee Terrace,
Leeman Road,
YO26 4YZ
01904 936330

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