Our Curriculum Vision

At St Barnabas we aim to ignite curiosity and delight in learning to prepare pupils for an ever changing, challenging world.

The focus of our curriculum is to raise pupils’ aspirations and create a sense of personal pride and achievement, ultimately helping every individual to flourish.

Our curriculum is designed to ensure coverage and progression, allowing pupils to deepen their knowledge, skills and understanding in all aspects of learning.

It provides pupils with memorable experiences, in addition to diverse opportunities from which children can learn and grow as unique and resilient individuals. Our local community and its rich heritage is frequently used as a starting point for engaging interest.

Interwoven into every aspect of school life are our Christian values of courage, compassion and creativity. The link with St Barnabas ‘The Encourager’ is at the heart of our curriculum vision.

We are Encouragers

 Team work,  Positive relationships

We are Courageous

 Resilient, Responsible, Try our best

We are Compassionate

Kind, Friendly, Respectful

We are Creative

 Inquisitive,  Problem solvers , Reflective

‘So speak encouraging words to one another. Build up hope so you’ll all be together in this, no one left out, no one left behind. 1 Thessalonians 5:11

Contact Us

Jubilee Terrace,
Leeman Road,
YO26 4YZ
01904 936330

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