Collective Worship takes place daily and is a very special time of day as it is central to the life of our school and it’s religious character. As a Church School, our Collective Worship is of a Christian nature, has God as the focus and gives opportunities for spiritual and religious development. Our worship is inclusive – offering opportunities for children of both a Christian and non-Christian background to take part in ways that are appropriate for them.
Christian values are used as the basis of our half termly worship themes. We explore what this value looks like ‘in action’ and the Bible references relating to this value.
Our worship time always includes time for prayer and/or reflection and a range of interactive activities to explore the key messages. Our worship table is a focus point which includes a cross and candles as well as a coloured cloth to represent the time of the liturgical year.
The whole school comes together for Collective Worship on 4 days of the week. On the other day, worship takes place either as a class group. Parents, carers and families are invited to join us on a Friday for our ‘Celebration Assembly’ at 2:30pm where we hear about children’s achievements over the week and celebrate birthdays.
A group of children from Y6 form our Worship Team. They help to plan, lead and evaluate Collective Worship.
Collective Worship is led by different staff from within school as well as external people. In the absence of a vicar at the moment, members of St Barnabas Church leadership team lead our worship on a regular basis and other groups such as YOYO are regular leaders.
We enjoy leading and taking part in Collective Worship and services at St Barnabas Church.
We follow the Diocese of York guidance about Collective Worship in Schools. This forms the basis of our Collective Worship Policy which can be viewed below:
Parents have the right to withdraw their children from Collective Worship but we hope that we can help to avoid this through our inclusive nature. We encourage parents to discuss this with us and attend a Collective Worship time if they are thinking of withdrawing their child.