Who We Are

Executive Headteacher: Mrs Jill Richards  

Head of School: Ms Rachel Pena-Harran

SENDCo: Mrs Carolyn Ray 

Designated Safeguarding Leads: Mrs Jill Richards and Ms Rachel Pena Harran


Our classes are named after people who we think are inspirational and have demonstrated (or continue to demonstrate) aspects of our school vision and values.

The classes, age range and their teachers are as follows:

Attenborough Class (David Attenborough) –  Reception  – Miss Sophie Pomfret                          

Hadid Class (Zaha Hadid ) – Year 1 and year 2 – Mrs Rachel Bruce    

Farah Class (Mo Farah) – Year 3 and Year 4 – Mrs Ruth Bellinger

Kahlo Class (Freda Kahlo) – Year 5 and Year 6 – Miss Minnie Rose 


Teaching Assistants (also cover lunch duty)

Miss Autumn Gee

Miss Annie Johnson

Miss Sophie Conacher 

Miss Sophie Crosbie

Miss Charlotte Moody 

Miss Sue Atkin

Mrs Amanda Murphy 


Office Staff

Mrs Sarah Cook, Office Manager

Mrs Viv Lupton, School Business Manager 


Kitchen Staff

Ms Sammi Bailey


External Sports Coaches 

Mr Ben Scaling (Thursdays)

Mr Mark Wood (Friday ams)

Contact Us

Jubilee Terrace,
Leeman Road,
YO26 4YZ
01904 936330

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